Viagra and Olimpic games

The anti doping agency of the world the efficiency which is prohibited considers the fact that Viagra is added to the list of the substance which is raised but, that cannot stop the athlete who uses the medicine of characteristic dysfunction in the Olympics of next month, it recognizes.

Whether or not as for the president of the John Fahey agency until finally unfairness the fact that boost is given was proven to the athlete, in order to prohibit Viagra health and scientific commission of constitution you inspected, but that so it was not possible to do, yesterday you said.

The use and other things of Viagra non the medicine which is prohibited spreading between the game as for the specialist of anti doping of sport and the Australian before association the doctor who Robin Parisotto yesterday was warned.

In order as for Fahey for Viagra to be in the American baseball, circulating as a athlete, to raise the efficiency of their aerotropism, endeavoring it meant that the agency has pursued rumor directly. “As for us when directly for a while between you see that”, as for him you said. “Our health and the team of science look at that. As for Viagra there is no list. Is that reinforcement ones of efficiency? We do not know yet certainly.「

But, he said, as for the use to which Viagra spread for sport of the game or the elite “it is not, it is good, at first glance” was.

Him you said “under strict supervision of the advisor of medical science of which physical team which any athlete and recently is taken”, it is proper. “Clear guidance with the team doctor”.If it is not given, there is a athlete who should verify that nothing responsible those take

Viagra was invented as disposal for abnormality of the heart. Similar to the effect which is known better, that expands the blood vessel of the body, moves faster, in order perhaps more to transfer oxygen to the muscle directly, the blood does.

As for Fahey legal, however the medicine unnecessarily it meant that thing he perhaps acquisition of the inadequate athlete exposes health dangerously, has related. But as for the medicine rather than saying that unfairness advantage was given to the athlete in the list which is prohibited until it became large evidence, it was not possible to add.

“It must be the scientific foundation there, unless,” he said. If “naturally something and the present research which is entrusted by WADA of Viagra you propose that it is there, it is placed on the list. Now there is no decisive evidence.